Expert reveals whether the royals ‘sit down and watch’ the Olympics | Royal | News

With Princess Anne currently in Paris, the host country of the 2024 Olympic Games, one expert reveals whether the family enjoy sitting back and watching the Games.

Despite many members of the Royal Family known to be huge sporting fanatics, former royal butler Grant Harrold has shared that they “don’t sit down together” to watch the sports on television.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, Mr Harrold did share, however, that the family are “passionate” about the Games.

Reflecting on his time in the royal household, he said: “They don’t tend to sit down and watch together but they’ve always been very interested and passionate about it. One of my memories is of William and Catherine playing tennis. They love tennis. It’s one of those sports the two of them enjoy together. I remember driving and passing a property with tennis courts and they were playing just the two of them. “

Discussing the Prince of Wales, who is known for his competitive streak when it comes to sports, Mr Harrold added: “They also love football and rugby because William and Harry played rugby at school.”

He added: “So even though I can’t remember them sitting with a box of popcorn watching the sport, they’ve always been really into the sports. It’s not surprising they get behind things and as you see they get quite competitive.

“There have been times when William and Catherine have raced each other and been doing stuff in a really fun competitive way and when we see William at football or rugby matches you see William get quite heated up, they do love it.”

Speaking of the King, Mr Harrold added: “The King’s passions are more centred around his horse racing, like his mum. I don’t remember seeing the King at any football or rugby matches recently, but we see him at horse racing events and he encourages young people to get into sport.

“I think it comes down to his schedule, he seems to let the younger royals embrace those kinds of things, it’s not that he doesn’t enjoy them.”

It is thought that, despite travelling to Paris earlier this week, Anne missed the opening cermeony of the 2024 Olympics Games on Friday.

According to GB News, Anne was not in attendance at the ceremony but was planning to watch the opening ceremony from Team GB House in the city.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson confirmed: “The Princess Royal will be cheering on the British Olympic team as they arrive for the Opening Ceremony from Team GB house in Paris.”

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