You have 20/20 vision if you can crack this winter brainteaser in less than 10 seconds | Weird | News

Solving a brainteaser often requires thinking in unconventional ways with given constraints in mind; sometimes it also involves creative thinking and logic that is anything but step-by-step.

Brainteasers will keep thinkers busy for hours and sharpen the wits of anyone who attempts to solve them all.

A challenging brainteaser by Spin Genie UK will get you into the gaming spirit and get you thinking.

According to the creators, a third (33 percent) of Brits found the six red-scarved snowmen in under 10 seconds; however, over 1 in 5 (22 percent) took over 20 seconds.

Do you think you can beat the record? Set a timer and start looking.

Brainteaser questions are designed to assess how you think under pressure and the steps you take to get to a certain question.

So, did you manage to find the snowmen yet?

Don’t worry if not, we have shared the answer in the picture below. Have a look.

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