The £100bn reason wailing about DWP benefits cuts is wrong-headed | Politics | News

Why the wails of anguish over possible cuts to benefits later this month? As the Spring Statement will be stacked full of numbers, try these ones out. We have 5.95 million claiming out of work benefits, the bill is currently £65 billion and set to be £100 billion by the end of this parliamentary term. And in just two years, one in twelve workers will be deemed too sick to work. Surely that helps you “figure” out this one?


As content warnings are slapped on everything from the Three Little Pigs to The Phantom of the Opera, might it not be easier to introduce a system telling you which shows are NOT likely to give anyone a fit of the vapours?


Above is Kemi Badenoch photographed at a virtual welding simulator in Glasgow last week. And for all the impact she’s had on shifting the political dial, she might as well keep the mask on.

As Sir Keir Starmer rightly earns praise for his work overseas in trying to forge links between an increasingly unpredictable White House and a band of permanently sclerotic European leaders, and also for his boldness in scrapping the “flabby” NHS England, and even with Reform ripping itself apart leader but Nigel Farage staying ahead in the polls, things continue to get no better for Badenoch. Perhaps she could get a tip about “turning up the heat” from those welders?


It is so distressing that all the evidence points to Speaker Sir Lindsey Hoyle being another top politician with his nose deep in the trough. Having known him for a number of years, I am disappointed to read he’s chalked up more than £250,000 on 19 trips abroad in a little over two years, with £180,000 of that as a result of the fact he reportedly will fly only in first or business class. Urbane and with a dry wit, it just goes to prove the old saying: if you put honey on someone’s lips, don’t be surprised if they lick.


A dangerous fundamental Islamist with an obsession for guns and a desire to rid the world of Jews has conned his way into this country. Presumably Abu Wadee is here to run the laughable BBC Verify service?

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