Jacob Rees-Mogg sets out bombshell Nigel Farage masterplan to win election for Tories | Politics | News

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg called for top Reform UK figures including Nigel Farage to be made Tory candidates if Rishi Sunak wants to win the general election.

The former Cabinet minister said making the “big, open and comprehensive offer” to the insurgent party is the “only chance” for the Conservatives.

Sir Jacob’s comments come after a new poll showed Reform would hit 16 percent if Mr Farage returned as leader, just five points behind the Tories on 21 percent.

Speaking on his GB News show, he said: “What does it mean to be a Conservative? The answer lies in reuniting the right.

“What we need is a big, open and comprehensive offer to those in Reform. We had this in 2010 to the Liberals who are hardly our soulmates. But most members of Reform are not a million miles away from most Conservative voters and members politically.

“So the Prime Minister should offer candidate selection to senior members of the Reform Party such as estimable Ben Habib, Richard Tice and of course the one and only Nigel Farage.

“The Sun’s poll has today revealed that if Nigel were to reenter politics with the Reform Party they would reach 16 percent in the polls just a smidgen, just 5%, behind the Tories at 21 percent.

“When putting these percentages together it gets us to 37 percent to Labour’s 41 percent.”

Sir Jacob said it would “send such a clear message to the electorate of unity and purpose”.

He said: “The message here is we’ve answered the question of what it means to be Conservatives.”

Sir Jacob listed a series of policies that the right-wing tie-up would stand for including slashing migration and measures to turbocharge Britain’s growth.

He said: “That is what voting for a Conservative government would mean at the next election if we manage this great offer. And it’s our only chance of climbing this electoral mountain.

“For too long we’ve ignored our voters because of a fundamental lack of identity. When the largest electoral mandate in British history passed in favour of Brexit in 2016 it represented so much more than just leaving the EU.

“The Conservative Party must represent these people who lent us their support to give us an 80-seat majority in 2019.

“With the help of Nigel Farage in a Conservative government as a Conservative minister, with Boris Johnson probably returning as foreign secretary and welcoming the likes of Ben Habib and Richard Tice into our party as well as pursuing genuine Conservative policies winning the next election suddenly becomes within reach.”

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