King Charles’ ‘emotional’ catch-up with Kate Middleton over cancer fight | Royal | News

King Charles had a ‘very emotional meeting’ with Princess Kate about her cancer treatment, it has been revealed. The Princess of Wales reportedly spoke to her father-in-law the King before she told the world about her cancer. The pair are said to have a close bond which has only got tighter since they both received their own cancer diagnoses.

It’s said that they had an ‘emotional lunch’ at Windsor Castle, just a day before her health fight was made public. Just a few weeks before, Charles had told everyone about his own cancer. Both royals are now getting treatment.

A source told the Sun: “It is highly unusual for just the two of them to sit down together like this. The King knew that the woman he calls ‘my beloved daughter-in-law’ had cancer. They would have had lots to talk about because just a few weeks before the King had started his treatment and had to tell everyone about his diagnosis.”

“The King left his lunch feeling very emotional. They are very close and he thinks of Catherine as his daughter. There is no doubt there is a lot they can share and can use each other for support during their own deeply personal cancer fights.”, reports the Mirror.

Not long after the Princess’s video was shown, Buckingham Palace shared a statement from the King. In it, he said how proud he was of “Catherine for her bravery in speaking as she did”.

He also confirmed that he had “stayed in close contact with his beloved daughter-in-law over the past weeks”. Reflecting on the statement, Royal expert Jennie Bond told OK!: “I noticed in the King’s statement of support after Kate’s broadcast he said he was in the ‘closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law’. I was struck by the fact that he didn’t say close, but closest.”

“There’s no doubt that cancer has cemented an already strong relationship. It’s very touching to think of Charles toddling down the corridor to see Kate when they were both in hospital. And it is understood that the King was left very emotional after their one-on-one lunch at Windsor Castle the day after she recorded her broadcast.”

“There are so very few people in whom a senior royal can confide, certain that everything they say will be secure. I’m sure that both Charles and Kate have found it comforting to be able to discuss their emotions as well as the chemotherapy treatment and how it has made them feel.”

Jennie added: “Of course Kate has her own father to turn to, so she’s not looking for a father figure, but I think she has forged a genuinely affectionate relationship with Charles. And he makes no secret of the fact that he is enormously proud of her.”

“After all, remember how Diana said Charles had always wanted a daughter. And he loves the grandchildren and now sees much more of them either at Windsor or Sandringham.”

“It must be particularly tough for the children to know that both their grandfather and their mother are ill. But I’m sure Charles, like Kate, tries to shield them from that and carries on being a fun grandpa as much as he can in their tight knit little group.”

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