Prince Harry and Meghan LIVE: Couple aims to be ‘part time royals’ but there’s a catch | Royal | News

Prince Harry‘s failed legal challenge against a Home Office decision that denied him the right to automatic police protection has reportedly cost UK taxpayers more than £500,000.

The Duke of Sussex’s derailed court action included more than £180,000 for counsel, £230,000 for the Government Legal Department, £2,300 in court fees and nearly £10,000 in e-disclosure, according to a Freedom of Information request by The Telegraph.

The prince, who now lives in the US, took legal action against a decision from the Home Office of the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (Ravec) in February 2020 decision that he should receive a different degree of taxpayer-funded protection when visiting the UK.

The decision from Ravec came as a result of a change in Harry’s “status” after he stopped being a “full-time working member of the Royal Family”, a judge was told.

In a judgement last month, retired High Court judge Sir Peter Lane rejected the duke’s case in a ruling, determining Ravec’s approach was not irrational nor procedurally unfair.

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