Struggling households can claim cost of living payments worth up to £300 | Personal Finance | Finance

Struggling households can claim cost of living payments worth up to £300, thanks to the Government’s Household Support Fund scheme.

This initiative has equipped local councils with funds which they then utilise to provide targeted support to households most affected by the cost of living. The assistance offered varies from council to council.

West Berkshire Council is offering its residents cash payments to help cope with escalating costs, with different amounts allocated for different groups. As per their website, a single household could receive £150, those with up to two children could get £250, and those with more could be eligible for £300.

Priority will be given to households that have not received other Government support and the money does not need to be repaid.

Applications for the cost of living payments can be made through West Berkshire Council’s website, where you will need to provide certain information, reports the Mirror.

If you’re applying for a family household payment, it’s crucial to provide evidence of the number of children in your household. This can be done through your Universal Credit or Child Benefit claims.

Additionally, a utility bill such as energy or water can also support your claim. West Berkshire Council has issued a warning that applications will not progress without these documents.

The Government recently extended its Household Support Fund scheme until September 2024 in the Spring Budget. However, if you’re not a resident of West Berkshire Council, you won’t be eligible for this help, but your local council should offer its own support.

Local authorities are beginning to announce their support measures available until September. You should visit your local council’s website to find out what these are.

Typically, there will be a separate cost of living tab detailing the help on offer.

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