‘Stupidly dangerous!’ 9 migrant boats launched despite treacherous, and deadly, conditions | UK | News

Nine new boats with migrants on them arrived in the UK today, despite the treacherous and deadly conditions in the English Channgel.

Since the start of the year, migrants have continued to cross the Channel in small boats despite freezing temperatures and fast-changing conditions.

Recent crossings by a total of 16 boats since Saturday morning have been branded as stupid and dangerous as conditions deteriorated over the Easter weekend, as high winds made the crossing even more dangerous.

The arrival of these new boats into the UK has seen the number of migrants arriving in the UK rise to 735 this weekend, with 400 arriving on Easter Sunday alone.

It comes as the number of small boat crossings continues to rise year on year with nearly 5,400 rising this year compared to 3,793 in 2023.

Speaking to GB News about the new arrivals, one maritime expert was outraged about the decision by people smugglers to send people across in such dangerous weather.

They said: “We’ve seen all too often in recent months just how vulnerable these flimsy dinghies are. Lives have been lost in the middle of the Channel.

“These small boats just can’t cope with anything other than light winds. Once we get up to moderate winds out there, it really churns up the waves, and doesn’t take much at all to inundate and capsize these overcrowded boats.”

The latest arrivals add to the record number of small boat crossings this year after Home Office figures suggested that the UK was on for another migration record in 2024.

The figures suggest that the total number of migrants to have arrived in the UK this year is over 20 percent up on the same figure last year.

Following the announcement, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has come into criticism because one of his main political aims was to stop the small boat crossings.

In a statement, shadow immigration minister Stephen Kinnock slammed Mr Sunak for failing to deliver on his promises.

He said: “Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Rishi Sunak keeps on telling the British people that small boat arrivals are coming down and his promise to stop the boats remains on track.”

Mr Kinnock added: “Can he not see what is happening from inside his No. 10 bunker, or does he think we can’t see it for ourselves? Either way, it’s time to get a grip and restore order to the border.

“Labour will strengthen our border security, crush the smuggling gangs, clear the asylum backlog, end hotel use and set up a new returns and enforcement unit so those with no right to be in the UK are swiftly returned. That is the plan we need.”

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