Woman murdered and three others targeted in ‘random’ slash attacks | UK | News

Undated Metropolitan Police handout photo of Johanita Dogbey, who was murdered by Mohamed Nur on May 1st last year. Nur is facin

Undated Metropolitan Police handout photo of Johanita Dogbey, who was murdered by Mohamed Nur on May 1st last year. Nur is facing life in prison for a series of slasher attacks on strangers which culminated in the random murder Ms Dogbey in south London. Issue date: Monday May 13, 2024. (Image: Copyright remains with handout provider)

A man is awaiting a life sentence after he murdered a woman with a makeshift blade, just days after attacking three other people in similar circumstances.

Mohamed Nur, 34, was armed with a blade crafted from a pair of scissors when he slit Johanita Kossiwa Dogbey’s throat in broad daylight on May 1.

Johanita was walking alone in Stockwell Park Walk in Brixton after going into central London to do some shopping.

She was attacked from behind by a man wearing all dark clothing, and died at the scene.

Johanita Kossiwa Dogbey

Johanita Kossiwa Dogbey was fatally wounded in a random attack (Image: PA Media)

A post-mortem examination identified the cause of death as sharp force trauma to the neck.

Nur, from Vauxhall in south London, admitted her murder as well as having a blade made from scissors and another weapon made from a broken glass when he was arrested the following day.

However, he denied three other committing three other slash attacks just two days before Johanita’s murder.

Nur’s case was heard in the Old Bailey for a trial that centred around the three attacks that took place at around 11.30pm in Brixton on April 29, 2023.

The first victim, Rebecca Wilkes, was approached from behind, grabbed and slashed on her right cheek, causing a 9cm cut.

Mohamed Nur

Mohamed Nur is expected to receive a life sentence. (Image: PA Media)

While Tomasz Kmiecik received a 15cm cut to his face and Katie Matthews suffered a 6cm wound, also to her face.

Prosecutor Julian Evans KC told jurors: “In each case, the victim did nothing to confront or provoke the man who attacked them. Each victim was attacked without warning and for no apparent reason.

“In short, all three attacks were completely random. There is nothing to suggest that the man who carried out the attacks knew anything about any of three victims.”

The agressor from the three attacks was said to be wearing a distinctive jacket and a top with a black hood pulled down over his face.

Police say Nur wore the same clothing when he attacked Johanita.

Old Bailey, Central Criminal Court, London, UK

Nur will be sentenced at the Old Bailey (Image: Getty)

Mr Evans told jurors: “He approached her from behind, and without warning, attacked her from behind with a weapon, which caused her injury.”

When Nur was arrested on May 2 in Brixton High Street, police found he was in possession of a weapon crafted from a piece of broken mirror.

Mr Evans said: “As far as his case is concerned, it is understood that it boils down to a simple point: identification.

“It is his case that he was not the person who carried out the attacks.”

Police in Stockwell Park Walk

Police cordoned off Stockwell Park Walk (Image: Ben Roberts-Haslam/PA Archive/PA Images)

Nur, who declined to attend his Old Bailey trial, was found guilty of three charges of unlawful wounding on Monday after the jury deliberated for one hours and 47 minutes.

Following the verdicts, two jurors were said to be “shocked” and “distressed” after being told the woman who was attacked last May 1 had died.

A reporting ban on Nur’s guilty plea to the murder charge was lifted and Judge Angela Rafferty KC excused the panel from jury service for 10 years in light of the revelation.

The court was told Nur had previous convictions for possession of drugs, driving matters and possession of sharpened implements.


Police at the scene following Johanita’s death. (Image: Ben Roberts-Haslam/PA Archive/PA Images)

Nur, who is in custody, will be sentenced on May 23 and Judge Rafferty said it is likely she will sentence him anyway if he does not attend.

She said he had been sent multiple letters and added: “He has committed a number of contempt of court offences on the face of it which will have to be dealt with on that day as well.”

Detective Chief Inspector Matthew Webb, the senior investigating officer who led the investigation into Nur, said: “Mohammed Nur is guilty of four violent offences, carried out at random in terrifying circumstances.”

“I realise nothing can alleviate the pain and suffering that Johanita’s family continue to endure, but I hope they – and the three other people Nur attacked and injured – can take some comfort from the fact he has been convicted and will spend a lengthy period of time in prison.”

DCI Webb said he believes the force stopped Nur from carrying out further attacks. He added: “The random nature of this attack, along with the brutality displayed by Nur, was utterly deplorable and left a community understandably in fear.”

“Following Johanita’s murder, and the three other attacks he carried out, extra officers were deployed to the local area to provide reassurance to the community and support our investigation.”

“It was as a result of a stop and search carried out by one of these units in the early hours of 2 May in the same area of Brixton that the 29 April attacks were carried out, that Nur was arrested. He was found carrying a crude makeshift weapon, similar to the type used in the previous attacks.”

“Given his previous actions, it can only be assumed he intended on carrying out further attacks but thanks to the intervention by these officers, he was stopped in his tracks.”

Detective Chief Superintendent Seb Adjei-Addoh, local policing commander for Lambeth, said: “Mohammed Nur’s heinous actions which culminated in Johanita Dogbey’s murder left the local community across Lambeth understandably shocked and in fear.”

“Although Nur was arrested just hours after the fatal attack, the impact of his random violence continues to resonate to this day.”

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