‘Most confusing junction’ is now ‘even worse’ after £10m revamp | UK | News

A road branded the “most confusing junction” has been given a £10 million revamp, only for locals to say it has been left even more difficult to navigate.

The junction, in Leceister, was given the makeover after the local city council received a cash boost, but nearby residents and traders say it has led to more accidents and horn honking.

They say the overhal at the complex Fiveways junction – connecting Blackbird Road, Woodgate, Fosse Road North, Groby Road and Buckminster Road – is having a negative impact on their lives.

Speaking to LeicestershireLive, shopper Andrew Holmes, 66, said: “It’s chaos. It’s just mad.

“There are these great massive cycle lanes no one bloomin’ uses. I live in Basset Street and I can’t turn right off Woodgate onto Blackbird Road anymore, so I have to go the long way round through the residential area – and it’s harder still getting back home because I can’t turn left off Blackbird Road onto Woodgate, either.”

Booze Stop worker Viv James also criticised the juntion. He added: “I think the council has —— this up. We’ve got a wide bike lane right outside so people can’t pull up outside the shop.

“If they’re buying a crate of beer they’re having to carry it a long way back to their car. By lunchtime normally we’d have done about £200 to £300 in business – so far today it’s £60.

If they’re buying a crate of beer they’re having to carry it a long way back to their car. By lunchtime normally we’d have done about £200 to £300 in business – so far today it’s £60.

“They’ve not done the flow right for the traffic either and it’s chaotic. I’ve seen five or six accidents in the last three months.”

While lorry driver Adrian Prinvas, 56, who was shopping in the area and lives just off Fosse Road North, said: “I’m not very happy about not being able to turn left off Blackbird into the city anymore. And then if you come in the opposite direction – from Fosse Road North – wanting to go into the city you have to go into the queue after the bus lane ends.

“But if the queue is full you’re not meant to go into the bus lane – you’re meant to hold everyone up behind you instead, which is stupid. I just turn into the bus lane – I hope they never put bus lane cameras in.”

“I’m not very happy about not being able to turn left off Blackbird into the city anymore. And then if you come in the opposite direction – from Fosse Road North – wanting to go into the city you have to go into the queue after the bus lane ends.

“But if the queue is full you’re not meant to go into the bus lane – you’re meant to hold everyone up behind you instead, which is stupid. I just turn into the bus lane – I hope they never put bus lane cameras in.

Mriwaan Ibrahim, owner of Huntsman Barbers, said: “It was a totally messed up idea. It causes lots of traffic queues and the number of beeps you hear and accidents you see is more than before.

“We’re not happy as shopkeepers in this area. The one thing we were looking forward to was the extra parking spaces but what’s the point of them if people can’t find their way here because it’s so confusing?”

A Leicester City Council spokesperson said: “The new, remodelled Fiveways junction has been designed and modelled by experts to provide a safer route for all users, with improved crossings for pedestrians, protected bike lanes and a less confusing junction arrangement for motorists.

“It will also help improve the reliability of bus services that use this route.

“The junction has been transformed and we know that significant changes of this kind can take time for people to get used to. We will be introducing additional signs, a little further back from the junction, to provide an earlier indication of what lane to be in and this should help address any incidents of motorists cutting in as they get used to the new arrangement.”

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