Woman shares snap of pizza – but topping divides people

Most people love tucking into a pizza now and then, as they’re pretty delicious.

They’re cheesy, oozy and can be topped with pretty much anything – but some people were left stunned by one woman’s choice of flavour. The anonymous woman shared a snap of her pizza on Reddit, and simply said: “I ate a pistachio pizza.”

Since she shared the nutty recipe, it’s got a lot of people talking, and people seem pretty divided about what to think. While some are keen to try the unusual combination, others simply couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

When you look at it, it looks pretty much like any other pizza, aside from the fact that crushed nuts are scattered across the top of it. It may look unusual, but it also looks pretty appetising in the picture.

If you like your pizza with a little extra crunch, it may well be worth giving a whirl.

Since she shared the picture, several people have commented on it and were keen to share their thoughts on the unusual pizza. One person said it looks “nuts”, though admitted they’d be keen to give it a whirl.

Another said: “I’ve had something like this before, with ground lamb on top. It was nice.” Someone else added: “Damn, that looks so good.”

A third also replied: “I had no idea pistachio was a pizza topping until my Italian colleague told me about a pizza he had in Sicily with pistachio.”

When asked how it tasted, the woman admitted it was pretty good, though she prefers savoury flavours usually. It seems as though it may be quite an acquired taste.

Reviewing the pizza, she said: “Unique but much too sweet for my taste. I would not get again as I much prefer savory pies.”

If you’re wondering where the flavour came from, it turns out it’s pretty popular in Sicily. When you look around online, you soon find that it’s a common topping people use when making Italian street food.

While some pizzas may look quite green, and rather sweet, others use pistachio to add a little nuttiness to the dish. One way to pull it off may be to top the pizza with a white sauce, mushrooms and a little pistachio on the top.

There appears to be many different takes on the dish, but people seem impressed by the recipe online. In another Reddit thread, people admitted to having tried the dish on their travels.

One wrote: “I had pistachio base pizza in Naples. One of the highlights in my life, it was delicious.” Another added: “I’ve had pistachio butter with chopped pistachio on toast before and it’s delicious. I’m sure it would be great on fresh pizza dough.”

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